Speak Up London



It is better to book as early as possible. Our courses have limited spaces to ensure that all students can interact in class and with the teachers. If you also need to arrange accommodation or apply for a visa, we advise you to book your course as early as possible.

The British Council is an official organisation that, among its activities, offers a voluntary scheme for monitoring and assessing English language schools in the UK. ‘Accreditation’ by the British Council means that a school has met the quality standards set by the British Council’s English in Britain Accreditation Scheme. This accreditation is widely recognized as an indicator of the quality of lessons offered by the school. For more information, please visit the British Council website.

Our school employs various teaching methods based on what is being taught, including grammar, comprehension, and conversation. All our teachers are fully qualified with CELTA and/or DELTA certifications and chosen for their teaching expertise.


We work closely with partners registered by the ‘British Council’ to provide you with the best options. You can check our accommodations options here.
Step 1: Have a look at our various accommodations options. We work closely with partners registered by the ‘British Council’ to provide you with the best options. You can check our accommodations options here. Step 2: Contact us to check the availability of the accommodation you’re interested in and to get advice on what accommodation is best suited for you.


Studio rooms are self-contained, with an internal kitchen and an en-suite bathroom (with a shower). 
The en-suite room involves sharing a large kitchen/common area with up to 6 other students while having your own bedroom and an en-suite bathroom.

No, at our student residences, you are given an access fob/key, which allows you to enter freely as you wish. Some residences may have a concierge to let you in if you arrive late for security reasons.
You will be visited by staff for check-out between 9:45-10:00 am for dormitories. If you need to check out earlier, there is a lockbox near the front door where you can place your keys in an envelope provided and in the lockbox.

No, smoking is not permitted in any area within the buildings. You can smoke outside the accommodation in designated areas.


Expect a warm welcome and a friendly introduction to the members of the host. 
They will give you a helpful introduction to the local area, its amenities and transport links.
Do not be shy to ask for help planning your journeys. It is advised for students to buy a Pay as you go UK mobile phone and sim card.
It is normal practice to exchange contact numbers with your host family, for safety, wellbeing and general communication.

On arrival day, if there are delays, you must contact your host urgently as your delay may affect their plans and it is better that they are aware of the situation so arrangements can be made for your delayed arrival. N.B -You must contact your host in regards to your arrival time well before your arrival date. If you do not, we cannot guarantee that the host will be home to greet you and you may have to wait until they arrive to let you in.

Self Catering (SC)

The guest prepares their own meals and has a dedicated storage area for food in the kitchen. The times for use of kitchen can be decided with the host.

Bed & Breakfast (BB)

Light access to kitchen only. Continental Breakfast: cereal, toast, jam, tea/coffee, juice. Light access includes the use of the kitchen to make a sandwich and possibly use of the microwave. No access to the cooker/oven to prepare meals.

Half Board (5 Nights) Continental breakfast 7 days in the week. Evening meal Monday to Friday only. Light access to the kitchen on weekends. Continental Breakfast: cereal, toast, jam, tea/coffee, juice.

Evening Meal

Main meal to include a meat or fish dish. To be eaten with the host. Light access includes use of the kitchen to make a sandwich and possibly use of the microwave. No access to the cooker/oven to prepare meals.


You can check your visa situation directly on this website

You can apply for a:

Short-term study visa
Standard visitor visa

You have to be over 16 years old to apply.

The primary difference between these two visas is their duration. If you plan to study for 6 to 11 months, you should apply for the Short-term study visa. If your intended study period is 6 months or less, the Standard visitor visa is the appropriate choice.

To apply for either of these visas, you must be at least 16 years old.

No, you cannot extend your visa while you are in the UK. 

If you hold a short-term study visa or a standard visitor visa, you are not permitted to work.

You can find information about the waiting time after applying for a visa on this website.

Visas may be refused for various reasons. The most common reasons include:

  • Omission of required documents
  • Insufficient finances
  • Lack of a genuine need for English language study

There are other possible reasons, but these are the most frequently encountered issues.
