Best way to learn English
Best way to learn English

The best way to learn Business English

As English is now the current global lingua franca, it is the universal language of innovation, trade, and communication on a worldwide scale. Yes, English is becoming the standard language used by an increasing number of businesses worldwide for communication. By using a single language, it means paperwork, emails and verbal communication does not require (much) translation, so, managers in France can communicate with colleagues in Amsterdam using one language.

This shows that English is now a must, rather than something nice to have. These are important reasons why learning Business English is essential in the 21st century.

This article mentions a few useful ways of learning Business English. It is important to note, that consistency and discipline are key to making this change, a worthwhile change that can help you develop a new language you wish you had learned before.  If you set aside time each day to concentrate on at least one of the four key language components (i.e. reading, writing, speaking, and listening) you will improve your business English. However, learning a new language takes time. Here are four ways of learning business English:

 1. Turn your free time into language learning opportunities and one important skill you should start to practise is standing in front of the mirror and speaking. Have you ever wondered why boxers practise shadow boxing?

Shadow boxing is an exercise where punches are thrown into the air. It is used to warm up the muscles before participating in physical activity. It sounds silly, but this exercise helps boxers build muscle memory. 

Take this example of shadow boxing as a way of practising, simply by reading some useful phrases in English in front of the mirror, which can help you improve your speech, delivery, and importantly, help you remember the flow of words to speak naturally!

This is a habit that you must incorporate into your daily life, as consistent practise develops learning habits that will bring long term success.

2. Reading is an essential skill for learning English, as it helps increase your vocabulary, giving you more confidence. Reading English newspapers will not only increase your vocabulary, but it will also improve your grammar, writing and speaking skills. The good news is, English newspapers can be found anywhere in the world, and articles are also available online, with the option of printing them! The websites I would suggest are www.guardian.co.uk and www.bbc.co.uk/news.

3. Writing is a skill that can help you remember words and expressions learned throughout the day. Whether you decide to tweet on X, or write a daily, weekly, or monthly journal, the benefit of this is that you would be able to practise writing sentences with a particular focus on grammar, punctuation, spelling, or vocabulary. More importantly, you will be able to analyse the grammatical structure to write about events in the past, present or future. For example, ‘This week we worked in a team of 6 to identify how to solve a financial problem…’. It also helps in improving reflection, processing skills, and encourages critical thinking.

Understand: English writing is regarded as a necessary ability for success in the contemporary global economy.  As an English teacher, I write weekly journals, and I always use a dictionary to improve and expand my vocabulary. 

4. Join a learning community. Learning Business English alone can be difficult and demotivating. Having a teacher or a mentor can give you a friendly push, needed to help you stick to your study plans, produce homework, and you can always ask for feedback! It is important to note, that the best learning environments for working professionals are those that are structured and offer flexible class schedules. This is something to consider. Plus, the bonus of joining a learning community means you will have classmates who you can communicate with. Classmates can also help you stay motivated and focused in completing your homework.

Learning English, a long-term commitment, where you will have difficulties along the way, which are normal. Have patience, become part of a support learning community, and set goals for yourself. You must be consistent and motivated in developing this skill, and only then, will results appear.

Author: Uwais, English Teacher